Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Perfect Commute.

All commuters know that a good or bad commute sets up your whole day, it influences your mood tremendously. This week I experienced the "perfect commute." A perfect commute is a commute where everything goes in your favor on the road and in the car. Here's a look at my perfect commute. A perfect commute has three qualification which are as follows...

  1. Positively sets up your day.
  2. Everything on the road goes in your favor.
  3. The radio adds to the atmosphere of your commute.

The Morning Of...

It was a Friday, which only adds to a commute, as it marks the ending of a long week. I woke up at a normal time around 7:00 am and it was one of the coldest mornings of the month, which means a cold car. However, my brother ended up leaving 10 minutes before me and was able to start my car up with the heat blaring. Score! 

Though like most of the time, I felt like I was running late and hurried to school, but this time with a warm car to enjoy! 

The Commute.

Jumping into my warm car, I was presently greeted with some great oldies on the radio which included Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen along with others that I can't remember at the moment but were good. As I cruised along and hit my first and second stop sign down east grand avenue (picture to the right) there was no line of cars that I had to wait for. It was almost like I was the only car on the road, no one was going 10 mph under the speed limit or behind me riding within 10 inches from my bumper.

Continuing on my way, I headed down route 1, which consists of multiple traffic lights. They all seemed to be green or turn green as I approached them. By this point in my commute I was already satisfied with the great music and all the advantages, but what really pushed my commute over the top was when I approached the "Y" in the road that yields onto a back road. Usually, I spend what seems like 5 minutes waiting for an opportunity to turn, but a silver ford focus stopped in the middle of the road and waved be by. Lastly, as I turned into the universities parking lot, I got my favorite parking spot outside of my first and last class on Fridays, which is rarely open. As Ice Cube might say "Today was a good day."

The Perfect Commute

As you can see from what I deem as my perfect commute, it is does not take much and it is the little things that add up. 

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