Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Decision.

Why? Why not?

Why should I commute? Why should I not commute? As the preparation for college began, these two simple questions circulated my thoughts day and night, seven days a week. The debate continued throughout the summer. Childish questions arose like; 

"Will I miss out on the Full College Experience?"

"How will I make friends?''

and of coarse...

"Can I really live with my parents much longer?" 

These questions will forever change the path in which my life will follow these next six years. 


Why should I commute?

I began to realize that the questions I was asking myself before where more of my wants then needs. I started to think of the bigger picture, my future. Instead of paying upwards of $14,000 a year for room and board, I could be paying $20 a week for gas and enjoy home cooked meals and a familiar bed. I would have a whole entire room too myself, where I could focus on my school work and rest in peace. There would be no need to wait in line for a shower, or even walk across a campus to get breakfast all before my 9am English class started. 

Why Not?

Why should I not commute?

As an 18 year old this was by far the easiest to justify. Did I really want my mom still doing my laundry. It is that time in my life to fall from the nest, and I would really prefer to do so. Although, other questions arose as well. Driving 30 minutes to be on time for a 9am class isn't very appealing, neither is spending an hour between classes walking around aimlessly. Living with my fellow classmates would spark friendships and maybe even relationships. I would have a better opportunity to immerse myself in campus activities, and have all the resources I need for school literally at my doorstep. 

The Decision.

As the time drew near to make a decision, and with a full blown venn diagram in the middle of my brain, I outsourced for a compromise. Luckily, at the University of New England, I was able to consider off-campus housing. Although it did come with a few hoops to jump through, and after a vast amount of appeals to the housing department, I was finally granted the privilege to reside in an off-campus apartment. Unfortunately, I will still face struggles in fulfilling the college experience by not dorming, but at least I will create my own college experience in the process.

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