Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Downside.

Overall, commuting in my opinion is far better then I could have ever imagined, but nothing is perfect, and that includes commuting to college. Here are three solid downsides:
  1. The Commute
  2. Lack of Campus Resources
  3. More Responsibility
Let's explore how much of a hassle these can be.

The Commute

The frustration that comes from waking up a precious 20 minutes earlier can grow to be very annoying. Even though it's only 20 minutes, a mere 1200 seconds, it is a significant difference when thinking about hitting the "snooze" button each morning. On top of that, each day when you are ready to head back home, it takes another 20 minutes out of your day. What you don't notice at first, is that you have to consider that you will not be around campus for evening homework, which leads to point #2...

Lack of Campus Resources

The absence of campus resources can prove to be aggravating. It is essential to get things that require campus resources done before you head back for the night, it will save time and money! Though, more likely than not, you will forget something that requires the library perhaps. This results in either one of two options, you drive all the way back or head in early the next morning. Also, when considering what you want for dinner, you can't just go to the cafeteria. Making a grocery list each week and sticking to it, is harder then it sounds. Especially when you return home at 8:00am after a long day, then realize you have to make a dinner that takes an hour. Peanut butter and fluff sandwiches become your favorite meal before you know it. Of coarse, without campus resources handed to you, a little more responsibility is required.

More responsibility

Commuting can be related to a job, you drive in each day and go home each night. By choosing to commute, it is mostly a decision to skip the phase of life that transitions you from living with you mom and dad, to dorm lifestyle that requires a little more responsibility and prepares you for living completely independent. Instead, by making the decision to commute from your own residence, you are thrust into adult hood very quickly. Whether it is paying rent on time each month, stocking your fridge, balancing a job to pay for all the bare essentials, or performing well inside the class room. There is little time for the "fun" things that college is suppose to have. But, by managing your time well, going to each and every class, and making responsible decisions, the satisfaction of independence is sometimes "fun" itself. Though, by not choosing to live in a dorm, I can't help but question how my life would have been different.

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